Potato harvesting has to be done when the weather is good and if that means working after sundown then the works goes well into the dark hours of the night.

Boats leave North Rustico at sun up on Friday May 3 for the start of the lobster season. The opening is normally April 30, but bad weather delayed the start.

A cruise ship enters the Charlottetown harbour at dawn one beautiful September day.

Farming is a mainstay of the provincial economy, but it is also a way of life for many Islanders who anxiously look forward to getting 'back on the land' in the spring.

I covered the Acadian Congress in August and was just astounded at the display of Acadiens' pride in their heritage.

A North Rustico lobster fisherman takes time out from preparing for opening day to chat with a buddy about the coming season and what the prices will be.

A beautiful sun rise.

A Christmas village that is set up every year by a father and his daughter is a tradition they have observed for more than a decade.

A farmer in Alexandra, P.E.I. readies his land for spring planting.

Post tropical storm Dorian pounds the breakwater in North Rustico with huge waves as the storm moves out into the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Fanningbank, the home of P.E.I.'s lieutenant governor, is beautifully dressed for the Christmas season.

Flory Sanderson, co-owner of Island Hill Farm in Hampshire, P.E.I., holds a seconds old goat she helped deliver on her farm.

Keeva Hately was thrilled to sit on Santa's knee and give him her 'wish list'.

Canada geese congregate on the ice around some open water in Murray River, P.E.I.

A immature bald eagle protects its meal of a Canada goose it just killed. Crows and seagulls were looking to steal the meal.

Fireworks at Victoria Park in Charlottetown mark Canada Day.

A church service in the Roman Catholic Church in Miscouche during the Acadien Congress in August.

The colours of autumn are beautiful on this old clay road in Kings County.

Freshly caught lobsters on the opening day of the fishery.

Mooney's Pond was beautiful during this early October day.

Mooney's Pond is always a beautiful place in the autumn.

A young fox kit chews on a lupin.

A young fox keeps a wary eye on the photographer.

A beautiful autumn scene.

A mother fox and her kit one summer evening in Covehead, P.E.I.

Freshly harvested potatoes tumble into a conveyor belt at Skye View Farm.

Potato harvesting carried well into the evening at Skye View Farm.

Kenneth Docherty, 84, helps remove debris that was dug up with the potatoes at Skye View Farms. While his son Alex is out in the fields and his grandson, Logan, works around the warehouse, the elder Docherty puts in a full day’s work. “He works like a dog…there would be days when the rest of us are laid out and he would be wanting to go,” Logan says of his grandfather. When Kenneth is not working on the farm he drives an asphalt truck

Acadiens shows their cultural pride during the Acadian Congress last August.